I {heart} Ivy and Moody Photos

Last Friday, I was prodding my photography muse back into much needed LIFE.  I asked my sister Bren where this mysterious train trestle was and off we went!  A big thunderstorm was looming so I didn’t linger and move around a lot but I’m happy with these few photos:

Moody and mysterious - I can hear a haunted train coming...

Moody and mysterious – I can hear a haunted train coming…

I love the shape of these leaves - Morning Glory according to Bren

I love the shape of these leaves – Morning Glory according to Bren

Who can resist hearts?

Who can resist hearts?

The heart leaves and the fence mesh together for a great look!

The heart leaves and the fence mesh together for a great look!

9 thoughts on “I {heart} Ivy and Moody Photos

  1. love them too

    Cheryl Carver Polaris Residential, Inc. Polaris Commercial Real Estate Services, Inc. 6830 Central Avenue, Suite C St Petersburg, FL 33707 Office 727-388-9111 Cell 727-420-4408 Fax 727-521-8772 cheryl@polarisfla.com



  2. Super shots, Sher! I just made an Alliteration! Love the trestle one in black and white. The mundane morning glory has been given a whole new perspective and respect from your lens! Bravo!


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