Feline Saturday

Time to dust off the blog since it’s been over a month since I posted anything.  Ok, I moved and that is one of the best excuses for being busy that I can say.  The closing process was unusual but many people experience that.  We are still waiting for our living room furniture but since we have a couch and chair in the den, I am feeling less stress over that delay.

Bud and Max love having more space just as much as I do.  They gallop from one end of the house to the other end sometimes playing chase or tag.  They also freak out whenever they hear anything loud or if someone knocks at the door.  Thankfully they haven’t jumped on me as they scrambled to hide behind the sofa in the den.  The only bad thing for them is the deck isn’t available to them as of yet.

We had some other cats and kittens come by to “welcome” them to the neighborhood.  One was a big scruffy white tom that had been in a fight under our deck that same morning.  Ray is worried that if we put up a baby gate that Max will jump over and be “free” or other cats will jump over to fight our babies.  They don’t seem depressed to not have an outdoor space but we will keep an eye on that situation.

Here are some cute photos of the boys.


Bud checking out the flowers that Moni gave to Ray and I for grandparents day.

2015-09-09 10.20.32

Max playing hide and seek. Well, maybe not but he is missing my bed skirt.

2015-09-10 07.03.21

Stretching after a hard night’s work. That was a roll of paper towels!

2015-09-10 07.03.25

That innocent face (slightly blurred).

2015-10-02 11.16.33

I’ve had a double ear infection and was in bed a lot. These two wanted to keep me company.

2015-10-07 07.54.27

Snuggled up to his mommy and her bathrobe. Purring up a storm.

2015-10-07 19.27.43

Bud getting his belly rubbed by his daddy. Daddy does it best and Bud likes to get upside down.

2015-10-08 15.16.25

Bud is loving the views from our new home.

2015-10-09 09.00.45

Waiting for his daddy to get up, even after I fed him the smelly wet food so he wouldn’t scratch at the door.

2015-10-09 19.57.02

Bud is his daddy’s boy.

2015-10-09 20.18.16


Present Participle List for September 

Here is my Present Participle List from this week’s activities to kick off September:
Dancing in the car while listening to ‘Every little thing she does is magic’ |’Hey Ya’|’Hotel California’ – we can check out but can we ever leave this place????

Trying to stay positive while Ray is overwhelmed.

Moving boxes and garbage bags filled with clothes and household stuff to the new house then coming back to take actual garbage to the dumpster. Why were we saving this junk?

Donating more unnecessary items to Goodwill.  I’m not a hoarder, really! But I didn’t want to pay to move stuff unless I really love it.

Finding out each day that closing isn’t going to happen.

Realizing that I still have a lot to pack after the movers left!  What the heck!

Cleaning walls, carpet stains, bathrooms and everything else imaginable in this apartment. My menace is hair-mine, the fur boys but surprisingly not Ray. Lol.

Getting away from the moving, cleaning, overthinking for a while by…

Running errands.

Doing some retail therapy.

Resting on the only piece of furniture left-my comfy bed.

Reading at night-The Virgin River series.

Impressing myself because Hello read the above list of accomplishments!

Closing today?

Hoping so.


2nd bedroom has been storage for boxes for MONTHS!


Clutter on moving day


saved everything on bed to take ourselves


so much stuff


thankful for big strong movers!


wish i had packed up EVERYTHING since there was still room on that truck


thankful for Ray’s help


Max didn’t help so much


Bud will need therapy from the moving experience


retail therapy started at Cracker Barrel


ok, we are a little tired of eating out!


TV tray makes a great nightstand , note to self


the only furniture left, my oasis


posted yesterday on FB for fun


The Present Participle List 

(Inspired by Cathy Zielski’s blog)

Feeling gratitude that Ray is having improvement with his leg pain.  I’m so glad that the internet provides so much information to help people research alternative treatments.

Moving soon but we don’t have a date yet.  I have been so happy to know that it’s really happening.

Packing all of our earthly belongings slowly.  I’m seriously obsessed with collecting boxes.  I have stacked filled boxes in the spare bedroom taking up almost half the room.  Yet there is so much to pack.  Where did it all come from and where has it been hiding?

Purging even though I got rid of so much stuff when we moved here I still think I need to get rid of things we don’t use often.  It matters when you are paying someone to move your stuff and they want you to count the boxes!  Yikes!

Remembering George Carlin’s skit about STUFF, it was so funny!  Check him out on YouTube George Carlin “Stuff”.

Anticipating my last week of this intense summer schedule coming to an end and yet I’m savoring these last two Fridays off.  It has had more of an impact on me this year than before.

Reading blogs on the weekends since I can’t risk being late to work from zoning out on the computer.

Missing my camera, my inspiration, my fellowship in sharing photos with like-minded friends but I’m eager to get back to all of it.

Looking forward to changing seasons, summer is not a favorite time for me.  Although I enjoy more sunshine, painted toes and cute sandals, I really don’t love the heat and humidity.  Come on Autumn!

192 – Zeitgeber


Zeitgebers (environmental cues–“time givers”–like sun position that regulate our internal clocks)

I did not know this word before today’s prompt.  I love the clocks in the historic downtown area so I immediately thought of them for today’s image.  Thankfully the thunderstorms were over for us to make a quick drive before it got dark!

I have taken a few more photos today.  Even Ray took a few of me with my new look!


Although I don’t eat tomatoes (not like this but yes to salsa, spaghetti sauce and so on), this stem was screaming to be in front of the lens today!



Time for a change! My hair style has been feeling blah lately. Basically the same just longer or shorter for YEARS. So more highlights and shorter with some sass.


The other downtown clock. This one is only right twice a day.

173 – 178 This Week’s Photos

173 On the Ground

173 On the Ground

174 Eye Level

174 Eye Level

175 Up High

175 Up High

176 From Below

176 From Below

177 Scale

177 Scale

178 Forced

178 Forced (Perspective)

Earlier this week, I was bragging that I had adjusted to my new summer hours of four 10-hour days.  The joke was on me because on Wednesday I was quite exhausted.  I’m also implementing a walking program to improve my health so it may be the combination.  But right now I’m happy to say that 2 weeks of this schedule are finished!

This week’s theme is about perspectives.  Most shots taken with iPhone 6plus. Some shots edited with PicLab app.

A wonderful surprise!

It’s funny how big this world is and thanks to the internet people can come together that share common interests by blogging, Facebook and other social media.  I have been an avid blog reader/writer for years now and have joined the Facebook community as a way to keep up with my son and his family that are stationed in Ft. Campbell, Kentucky.

I also rejoined the Capture Your 365 community in January of this year and am thrilled to have met friends that share my passionate hobby.  It’s even more lovely when some of those same friends also blog!

KrisB. and TraceyG. share their love of photography and food over at Pixels, Plates, and LOLs!  Kris shared how her daughter Erin chooses the most thoughtful gifts recently and they offered a contest for commenting on their blog and guess what, I WON! The prize was a goodie basket that Erin filled.  Check out their blog here.

I may be 50 years old but I always feel like a kid when I’m opening presents for my birthday (December 22nd) and at Christmas.  So it was especially thrilling to receive this package and not have a clue what was inside!  Ray commented on how I was beaming as I opened it.

I staged it because I had packing peanuts all over last night along with two curious cats! So the morning light is more becoming to show you all of these wonderful gifts!  First that basket – you know how much I love color!  It will go great in my craft area!  See how packed it is!!!

5.23 (1)


5.23 (2)

I’m so excited about these meal storage containers! I pack every day for work and when the summer hours (4-10 hour days) take effect I will be eating two meals at work…so how cool is this! Also love the magnetic grocery list to help me plan those meals!!!

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I can’t wait to look through that cookbook! The snack mix smells divine and Erin typed up a message on why she chose each item. That girl has a gift at giving perfect gifts!


5.23 (4)

The artist grouping – The beautiful red sketch book, the wallet for my SD Cards*, the rubber band to combat zoom lens gravity and that watermellon card is a gift card for a photo book!!!  

I need to add more SD cards to that wallet and keep it in my camera bag.  We went to the river last night and I realized my camera did not have the card inside it!  It wasin my computer at home.  Thankfully I had my cellphone!

Although I’m not a fan at being in front of the lens, I had to share this lovely item and just show how thrilled I am!

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Lastly, I had to show the item I put on my camera strap right away! My lens cap snaps right on there. I’m embarrased to tell you that I’ve purchased 2 replacement caps since I’ve had my Canon! Oh yes – I’m thrilled with my goody basket!

Thank you Kris and Tracey for your generosity and Erin you are simply amazing!


130 Purple

130 Purple copy


This week showcases the color PURPLE.  My favorite color!  I’m excited to see what see what else I can share this week that is this majestic beautiful color.

I hope that everyone reading this that is of the female persuasion that had/adopted/raised children or loves the four-legged, furry kind of children – that you have had a wonderful day!  I’m blessed to have spent another celebrated day with my 81 year old Mother, my oldest sister Bren that has been like a mother to me.  I’m so thankful that I got to see, hug, kiss my oldest twin son Jeremy.  Grateful to have heard Brandon’s voice on the phone earlier and a quick couple of words with my grandson Chance.  Looking forward to Skyping with them tonight to help bridge the distance.